Experiență vinicolă de neuitat în natură.

Descoperiți istoria vinului și aromele unice din cramelevechi.

Despre cramelevechi

Cramele vechi oferă o experiență unică, combinând istoria vinului cu peisajul natural și vinuri medaliate la competiții internaționale.

selective focus of green leafed plant
selective focus of green leafed plant
A vineyard stretches across rolling hills with neatly aligned rows of grapevines. In the background, there is a large, multi-story building with a red roof, surrounded by tall cypress trees. The sky is clear and bright blue with a few scattered clouds.
A vineyard stretches across rolling hills with neatly aligned rows of grapevines. In the background, there is a large, multi-story building with a red roof, surrounded by tall cypress trees. The sky is clear and bright blue with a few scattered clouds.
A vineyard stretches across a green and brown landscape, with neatly aligned rows of grapevines. In the foreground, a large yellow bench stands out against the earth-toned ground. Several residential buildings with red roofs are scattered in the background, surrounded by lush trees and rolling hills under an overcast sky.
A vineyard stretches across a green and brown landscape, with neatly aligned rows of grapevines. In the foreground, a large yellow bench stands out against the earth-toned ground. Several residential buildings with red roofs are scattered in the background, surrounded by lush trees and rolling hills under an overcast sky.

Experiența vinului

La cramelevechi, natura și tradiția se îmbină perfect, oferind vinuri deosebite și o atmosferă de neuitat.

Experiențe Vinicole

Descoperiți istoria vinului și savori unice în cele 82 de hectare de podgorie.

Tururi Vinicole

Explorați podgoriile noastre și învățați despre procesul de vinificație din această zonă istorică.

A lush vineyard stretches across the landscape, with rows of grapevines standing neatly in the foreground. Beyond the vineyard, a small white house is situated amidst a backdrop of dense, green forest. The sky is overcast, adding a sense of tranquility to the scene.
A lush vineyard stretches across the landscape, with rows of grapevines standing neatly in the foreground. Beyond the vineyard, a small white house is situated amidst a backdrop of dense, green forest. The sky is overcast, adding a sense of tranquility to the scene.
Degustări Exclusive

Participați la degustări de vinuri medaliate, într-un cadru natural și istoric deosebit.

Experiențe Personalizate

Evenimente Unice
A vineyard stretches across a sloping hillside, with rows of grapevines bordered by lush greenery. In the background, a rustic house with a red-tiled roof is nestled among trees. Beyond the house, a dense forest covers a mountain, bathed in warm sunlight.
A vineyard stretches across a sloping hillside, with rows of grapevines bordered by lush greenery. In the background, a rustic house with a red-tiled roof is nestled among trees. Beyond the house, a dense forest covers a mountain, bathed in warm sunlight.
A scenic vineyard with long rows of grapevines stretches toward a large body of water, with mountains in the background under a sky dotted with fluffy clouds. The vineyard appears lush and well-maintained, with patches of grass between the rows.
A scenic vineyard with long rows of grapevines stretches toward a large body of water, with mountains in the background under a sky dotted with fluffy clouds. The vineyard appears lush and well-maintained, with patches of grass between the rows.
A vineyard stretches across a rolling hill with rows of grapevines. A white farmhouse with a red roof sits at the top of the hill, surrounded by greenery and a few trees. The sky above is partly cloudy.
A vineyard stretches across a rolling hill with rows of grapevines. A white farmhouse with a red roof sits at the top of the hill, surrounded by greenery and a few trees. The sky above is partly cloudy.


Descoperiți frumusețea vinului și istoria cramelor noastre.

A lush vineyard extends across rolling hills towards a small town nestled in a valley. A wooden shed is situated among the rows of grapevines. In the background, there are numerous buildings and houses surrounded by dense greenery and mountains.
A lush vineyard extends across rolling hills towards a small town nestled in a valley. A wooden shed is situated among the rows of grapevines. In the background, there are numerous buildings and houses surrounded by dense greenery and mountains.
A sunlit vineyard with rows of grapevines stretching towards the horizon. The sun is low in the sky, casting long shadows and a warm glow over the landscape. Hills and scattered trees are visible in the background, with a few buildings and power lines adding to the rural setting.
A sunlit vineyard with rows of grapevines stretching towards the horizon. The sun is low in the sky, casting long shadows and a warm glow over the landscape. Hills and scattered trees are visible in the background, with a few buildings and power lines adding to the rural setting.

Experiența la cramelevechi este de neuitat! Vinurile medaliate și peisajul minunat creează o atmosferă perfectă pentru iubitorii de vin.

Ion Popescu

A lush, green vineyard stretches across rolling hills under a partly cloudy sky. The rows of grapevines form intricate patterns along the landscape. In the distance, there are small structures nestled among the foliage, and trees are scattered throughout the area.
A lush, green vineyard stretches across rolling hills under a partly cloudy sky. The rows of grapevines form intricate patterns along the landscape. In the distance, there are small structures nestled among the foliage, and trees are scattered throughout the area.
